Monday, April 22, 2013

The Funky Tiger

casino style tiger op art
For hundreds of years gamblers traveled to land-based casino sites where they could enjoy their favorite casino games. Gaming at these casinos involved a considerable investment in time and money but players enjoyed opportunities to mingle with the rich and famous as they competed against the dealer and, sometimes, against other players, in thrilling games of high energy excitement. Today gamblers can enjoy all of the benefits of casino gaming when they play at the online casino from the comfort of their own homes. Medical researchers often cite the importance of winding down after a stressful day and easing into the evening house with low-key activities.   The web casino provides players with the opportunity to relax while a dozing kitten snuggles happily alongside. There are a wide range of casino alternatives which allow gamers to select the casino platform that best suits their needs and expectations. The Flash Casino is available for travelers who can play their preferred casino games in a safe and secure environment on any public computer's browser. The Mobile Casino is available to mobile device owners who can open the casino on their smartphone or tablet device and access the games directly on their mobile screen via new HTML5 casino technology. The most popular Internet casino option, the Download Casino, is available for home gamers who can enjoy their casino challenges as they relax with their beloved cat who brings them lucky energy as they play on their personal laptop or desktop PC from the comfort of their own home.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lion In The Shade - Casino Op Art

illusion and op art drawing of lion in the shade
Whilst it is well known that the support of a good friend or partner is invaluable in reducing stress, it is less well known that household pets such as dogs or cats may be even more effective. A recent study has shown that when people are conducting a task that is stressful, people will experience less stress when their pet is with them. This applies to a task that is inherently stressful and intricate such as filling in your taxes, however, even an enjoyable task such as playing at the online casino will raise the players bold pressure and stress level, if the player chooses to play whilst stroking a sleeping cat nestled on his lap, this will reduce his stress level and make the whole experience more enjoyable and relaxing. Pets are also a great help in social situations. When out walking a person with a dog on a leash is perceived as more approachable and it will often give people the excuse to stop and talk. This will increase the number of people that we meet and communicate with and this can be an invaluable asset for lonely and elderly pet owners to increase their social network of both friendsand acquaintances.  A pet will also encourage its owner to go out and get some exercise and as exercise is another great skill for managing stress as well as overall health, owning a pet has even more great  

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Casino cat op art inspector kitten

inspector cat op art
Many medical researchers have long suspected that an imbalance of serotonin and dopamine chemicals may cause feelings of sadness and even depression and now, new studies seem to confirm this link. Therapists have a variety of suggestions for people who want to boost their levels of the "feel-good" chemical in their systems which will help them feel more positive about life and enjoy a better overall mood. These proposals include reading a good book, increasing exercise, watching TV and acquiring pets, such as mellow cats, whose presence, research shows, helps lower blood pressure levels, steady heart rate, supports sleep and assist in strengthening work and family relationships. While many of these recommendations are commendable, there are hitches with each. A good book or TV program is not always available and exercise can actually be detrimental if performed at the wrong time of the day or in the wrong conditions. A cat has her own personality and comes for stroking only when she's ready.  One mood-boosting activity that is available 24/7 involves online casino gaming. Restful and entertaining gambling offers gamers the opportunity to sit down with their lucky kitten and experience fun and excitement that combines highly interactive game challenges with real money rewards. The online casino is always open so players can enjoy their favorite casino games at any time of the day or night, regardless of their work schedule or other obligations. The casino features hundreds of popular online casino games including card games, table games, parlor games, online lotteries and online slot machines.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Cats of Funk for Online Casino players

fluffy cat waitingOnline casino gambling can be great fun. There are hundreds of games to choose from. You can play blackjack, roulette, poker, and tons of online slot machine games. And every time you play it is exciting. After all, every single deal, spin, or roll involves real money. You have the chance to win big money at any time. The only downside is that all this excitement can be too much for some people. Some people have a lot of trouble focusing when the stakes get high. Now in a land-based casino, there is nothing you can do about this. But if you play online at home, there is a simple solution to keeping calm in the midst of the excitement. Even better, this method does not involve drugs or dangerous substances of any kind. What it does involve is your pet cat. You see research has shown that the simple act of stroking a pet cat’s fur has the effect of slowing pulse rate and calming a person down. So you can even pet your cat while you play online casino games. This is a very effective method of those easily excitable. It is so good, that if you don’t have a pet cat, you might want to consider getting one just for the advantage of playing casino games. And you never know, you might become quite attached to your feline friend after awhile and even pet her when you are not playing online slot machine games.